June 5, 2010
Ein toller Artikel über Zensursula auf Heise.de, zum Glück ist sie vom Tisch!
March 15, 2010
Ja darüber sollte jeder vielleicht mal nachdenken.
Ich bin grundsätzlich gegen Datensammelwut!
Nachzulesen hier: http://www.golem.de/1003/73842.html oder direkt mitmachen unter https://petition.foebud.org/ELENA.
February 28, 2010
Now all galleries are ordered into albums and on one page gallery you have only one page which direct access to all albums.
Two new pictures taken in hamburg during a short trip to musical king of the lions.
[pwaplusphp album=”hamburg”]
The picture with the stairs is a freehand DRI.
September 27, 2009
Powered by Twitter Tools
August 13, 2009
Hey, today I signed up a twitter account (http://twitter.com/cehphotode) which will be filled up automatically by my blog posts using twitter tools http://alexking.org/projects/wordpress .
August 10, 2009
today I added some old, loved photos in the categories architecture and technique.
In the evening I add some more maybe.