Comments blocked for unregistred users because of SPAM

September 29, 2014

I am having a huge problem with SPAM comments in the last weeks. Because of that my site was already disabled by my hoster because my database and traffic exceeded the limits. For this reason I have disabled commenting without user account. If you would like to get in contact with me, please use the contact form. Will see how I can solve the problem… read more

New Design

October 31, 2012

Yeah, you should have recognized this, I changed the blog design. I found the old one less readable, especially in the comments area after recend plugin updates. Moreover the new design has a more personal style! I hope you enjoy!

Earn 250mb extra space for a free 2GB dropbox account

November 27, 2010


I am using dropbox, which works for me much better than ubuntu one, because it is platform independent and does not stress your cpu like ubuntu one.

If you like to try it free and earn 250mb extra money for your 2GB account please use that link: read more

Update WordPress and plugins and more

November 20, 2010

I finally found the time to update the whole software of my blog to WordPress 3 including the plugins . (year I know, I am really late).

I have a new sidebar widget, which shows my recommended readings out of my google reader account.

Some new photos from the festival of light in Berlin. read more

Acer 1825 add a script to the P-Button (example onscreen keyboard) in GNOME

October 19, 2010

Today I will show, how you could add an arbitrary script or application to the P-Button of your Acer 1825.

A little script, which checks if the onscreen keyboard onboard is running.

If onboard is running it will be closed if not it will be started.

[you need to install onboard: sudo apt-get install onboard] read more

Acer 1825 enable multitouch features for touchpad

October 16, 2010

This is a short instruction to enable 2 finger scrolling on the touchpad of the Acer 1825:

create a script and open it with an editor


copy  and paste the following lines into the script


save the script and enable following permissons:


Last step you need to add the script to the autostart programs: read more

Enabling Acer 1825 Touchscreen on Ubuntu 10.10

October 14, 2010

[UPDATE  meanwhile you could get multitouch support, check]

So after some days of struggling with the touchscreen configuration I works very good (only singletouch).

The problem was out of the box the touchscreen is detected as a touchpad in ubuntu 10.10.  It is a problem in the xorg-evdev driver (Version) 2.32. To fix this problem you need to patch the 2.32 or build and install a newer one. read more