Enabling Acer 1825 Touchscreen on Ubuntu 10.10

By Christopher, October 14, 2010

[UPDATE  meanwhile you could get multitouch support, check http://www.ceh-photo.de/blog/?p=320]

So after some days of struggling with the touchscreen configuration I works very good (only singletouch).

The problem was out of the box the touchscreen is detected as a touchpad in ubuntu 10.10.  It is a problem in the xorg-evdev driver (Version) 2.32. To fix this problem you need to patch the 2.32 or build and install a newer one.

I tested both posebilities and decided, that using a newer evdev driver is the easier and better way.

If you know what you need to do it is very easy operation.

Tutorial for Ubuntu 10.10:

sudo apt-get install build-essential xutils-dev xserver-xorg-dev  autoconf autotools-dev libtool

# I don't know why it is not working with this modules installed -->bug?

sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-input-evtouch xserver-xorg-input-tslib

wget http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-input-evdev/snapshot/xf86-input-evdev-2.5.0.tar.gz

tar xvfz xf86-input-evdev-2.5.0.tar.gz

cd xf86-input-evdev-2.5.0/

./autogen.sh -prefix=/usr


sudo make install

After a reboot the touchscreen should work fine in single touch mode.

For getting a right-click use System->Preferences->Mouse->Accessibility

I tested this solution on Ubuntu Desktop and Netbook Edition. On netbook edition(unity) I have some problems of clicking the application icons on the left bar. On Ubuntu desktops everything works fine.


  1. Xvilar says:

    Thanks a lot my friend! I’ve followed the steps but many errors, posted at ubuntu community forum. Thanks again!

  2. toffer says:

    Thx for your reply I think I fixed your problem. Read above I added some packages for install

  3. Andrew says:

    I tried running the commands in your tutorial line by line. They worked ok until I ran this command

    ./autogen.sh -prefix=/usr

    This generated a lot of errors and the make command that followed it failed.

    I reread the posts in the ubuntu blog. I noticed that this line from Xvilar’s post

    apt-get install libtool

    had no corresponding entry in your tutorial. I ran
    sudo apt-get install libtool

    and then I restarted your tutorial from the autogen line.

    The remaining commands appeared to work and the touchscreen also appears to work now.

    I’d now like to be able to rotate the touchscreen using the P-button and to have an on-screen keyboard available. I think that there are posts in the thread on how to do that.

    Thanks for your help


  4. toffer says:

    Hey Andrew,
    sorry for my mistake in term of the the build dependencies. I edited this in my post.
    If you are interested in auto rotation of the display with the gyro sensor check my newest blog entry.

    Thank you for your reply

  5. Thomas says:

    Thank you so much. I have been looking for solution for a long time and thanks to you a finally done it.

  6. xinu says:

    my left mouse click is not working at the beginning. it is just working if i touch the screen once. than the left mouse click works. is that “normal”? or can i change something? thanks a lot!

  7. toffer says:

    @xinu. This behavior is “normal” which means I have the same,maybe changes with newer drivers…, but it does not really hurt, because you only need to touch once after startup.
    Most of the time I use the suspend mode, so this situation comes very seldom

  8. xinu says:

    ok, thanks!i’m relieved to hear that 😉

  9. sadcruel says:

    This morning (January 25) the system has been actualized (like normal), but this time I’ve lost the screentouch (it works like a touchpad again).

    Simply make the same steps again and it will be ok. You can use the 2.6.0 edev version (type in the steps 2.6.0 instead 2.5.0).

What do you think?

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