January 18, 2012
ICS beta 1 is out please step forward to this release! http://www.ceh-photo.de/blog/?p=464
So it takes some/a lot of time to develop this new build (more like expected like every time), but I tried to put as much as possible into beta3. But I struggled hard with the integration of something like a slider mechanism on a phone, if you change from tablet to laptop mode and vice versa. My goal was automatically disabling/enabling onscreen keyboard and locking screen rotation in laptop mode, but it seems like this is one of these things which are not really well implemented in honeycomb and may a reason why google published that code so late (google sayed some things are really hacked together in honeycomb… and if I compare responsible files in honeycomb and ics there are a lot of changes and commented dead code in honeycomb). So the result is, I got really deep in touch with android internals, but I could not solve the problem and decided to step back and publish my new beta 3 without this feature, because I had already done a lot (see below). Inside the tips and information sections I will try to answer some unanswered questions from comments.
March 10, 2011
This guide is writte for my Acer 1825 but it should work on all linux devices which need a onscreen keyboard like onboard.
I got the idea of building this script from Tom/drnessie from the ubuntuforums.org (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1486671&page=17), because he tried to make a improvement of my onscreen keyboard show/hide script from this post.
February 20, 2011
In my last post I explained were you found a tutorial for installing a real multitouch driver for the ACER 1825 and said I don’t know how to use these multitouch support. Thanks to Tom/drnessie who recommended ginn to me.
Ginn is a daemon which recognizes multitouch gestures with the ubuntu utouch interface and translates them to global or application specific shortcuts.
February 18, 2011
thanks to Tom he mentioned a working howto for installing the touch driver on Ubuntu 10.10.
I tried this guide after doing
::CODECOLORER_BLOCK_8::and rebooting and touch works fine. I also tried the gesturetest application from the utouch framework
October 14, 2010
[UPDATE meanwhile you could get multitouch support, check http://www.ceh-photo.de/blog/?p=320]
So after some days of struggling with the touchscreen configuration I works very good (only singletouch).
The problem was out of the box the touchscreen is detected as a touchpad in ubuntu 10.10. It is a problem in the xorg-evdev driver (Version) 2.32. To fix this problem you need to patch the 2.32 or build and install a newer one.