January 25, 2011
If I use two monitors in windows environment I use some scrips of the tool active aid http://activaid.telgkamp.de/ to have the ability to switch the active window between both monitors with a shortcut. Since I meanly use Linux on my private pc and laptop I missed this feature badly and I did not find some tool or script which fills this gap. But like the world works as Linux user, if something does not exist, make it on your own: My result is a bash-script which switches the active window between both monitors. This script based on wmiface, a tool which gives you the ability to control windows from a NetWm compatible Window-Manager, so at least KDE and GNOME (I tested it on GNOME). A special requirement for my environment is the ability to switch between to monitors with different resolutions. To use my script you need to install wmiface on your distribution, I think you will not find it in your package manager, but you could download install packages for nearly all huge distributions (or the source) from this site: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/WMIface?content=40425 If you use debian (like my on my workstation) choose the ubuntu packages. On my test-system(debian 64 testing) the ubuntu 64 packages works fine. Here is the script, download it or copy it and save it to a file. Give execution rights wiht chmod +x. (I copied it to /usr/bin but this it not necessary. You could run it from every directory.) You should test the script in terminal and if everything works fine you could assign this script to a shortcut with gnome-keybinding-properties. Do not forget to edit the resolution for the left and right monitor in line 10 and 11. If you have more than two monitors you should be able to write your own script based on my work.SCRIPT UPDATED: ERROR CORRECTION AND IMPROVEMENTS DEPENDING SOME SPECIAL CONDITIONS 30.1.2011
::CODECOLORER_BLOCK_2::Some hint for google chrome/chromium users, the script does only work if you set the setting in chrome for using the system frame and not the special one from chrome.
March 7, 2010
This is a short bash script, which I have written as a homework in my studies. It converts all files in parameters from DOS to UNIX or from UNIX to DOS, depending on their current style.
::CODECOLORER_BLOCK_4::have fun with it!