I made huge progress on using my installed androidx86 on my Acer1825(build). Today I found out, how to install all google apps included synchronization of mail,contacts.. and all funny apps like google talk, maps, youtube and don`t forget the original google market!!! And I can say it works. I can’t believe, it works!
Ok now everybody is interested in how I did it and here it comes:
First you need this package from a prominent phone mod, it includes all google apps + twitter and facebook
For the Acer1825 Froyo version I suggest this package:
I used mdpi because I found that’s the best dpi resolution on the acer1825, but if you like you could use the hdpi version as well.
If you want another version select it from this site http://goo-inside.me/gapps/latest/ Maybe if you use another laptop with newer gingerbread release, please try the gingerbread package.
Be careful of getting the corresponding android version (in my case froyo), other versiosn will not work, I tried it.
So if you have this zip file, you need to unpack it and write the included folder structure to your android device.
Now I will show you two possibilities of writing that stuff to your laptop.
First solution:
I did it with the android sdk tool adb (its inside android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools):
First connect to your laptop (you could get the IP by ALT+F1 and typing netcfg; back to GUI with ALT+F7)
1 | ./adb connect |
Next push all files:
1 | ./adb push ~/Desktop/Downloads/gapps-mdpi-20110301-signed/system /system |
You need to customize the path to your extracted zip archive.
After that, you only need to reboot (I can`t login without that reboot, don’t know why) your laptop and login to your google account and everything should work quite fine.
Ok another solution if you do not like to use the android sdk tools
Second solution:
Copy the system folder from the extracted archive to a SD card.
Put that sd card into your laptop.
Change to terminal ALT+F1
and type:
1 | cp /mnt/sdcard/system /system -rf |
now type
1 | reboot |
log into your google account and be happy!
Important requirement for the whole method is, that you must have installed android with writable system folder.
Would be cool if it worked, but as soon as is klick on the green android the gapps-framework crashes…
Could you please specify what you have done in detail? On my system everything works fine.
I’ve downloaded the .zip that you mentioned, deflated it and copied the content of the system/ folder onto my EeePC 1005P running Android x86 2.2.1 (latest build) which also runs on MDPI (1024*600) – as soon as i start any of the apps the framework crashes (i had to manually remove the setup app (that one with the green android to touc) otherwise i was not able to start the system.
Have reinstalled the whole system now because that was easier than deleting the contents of the zip ;-(
Where have you found that tweak, because i think the problem may be that i have the eeepc-built and not the “normal” x86-built like i think you have.
Hey I checked my version, which is also Android x86 2.2.1. I did not find that tweak, I have investigated it on my own. On my Acer1825 it works very good.
Maybe there are some differences between our builds? I will try my installtion in a VM.
No, i meant… Err..Wait i do this in german:
Ich habe die eeepc-Version während Du wohl die normale x86-Version haben wirst, aus dem Grund vermute ich das dass daran liegt.
Da Du ja nicht sagst WO Du diesen Trick her hast bin ich auf Grund Deines Kommentares davon ausgegangen dass der Trick auf beiden Versionen (also nromale und eeepc) funktioniert!
Und was die Builds angeht: Das dürfdte klar sein das das unterscheidliche sind, so oder so 😉 Ich hol mir immer die tagesaktuelle vom nightly build server!
was ist denn an der EEEPC Version so extrem anders? Der EEEPC Build ist doch der generische Build für x86 von Android x86? Und was ist bei dir der normale x86 Build? Ich habe die Version fürs Acer1825. Und den Trick habe ich wie gesagt selbst heraus gefunden, ich hab das nirgend wo her, ich hatte das einfach ausprobiert und es hat geklappt.
Ich probiers aber wirklich mal einfach selbst aus mit dem EEEPC Build.
Ich gehe mal davon aus das die eeepc-Version etwas anders ist, halt hardwarespezifischer…
Und? Hast Du schon was herausgefunden *g*? Jetzt wo die Google Docs App erschienen ist wäre ein GAPP-Account nämlich echt sinnvoll 😉
A little bit off topic, sorry. Just got a acer 1825ptz and found your blog, Christopher, because I´m interested in installing android as second operating system. Unfortunately I´m not familiar with programming/compiling. Are there plans to compile Honeycomb/Android 3 for 1825ptz?
Hey peter,
I think yes there are plans, but it is impossible, because if you read news from the last days, google will never release the code from honeycomb, so we need to wait for ice cream sandwich (the next open source android). Nevertheless try the available version of froyo, in my opionion it works quite good.
Hi Christopher,
thanks for your reply, got it, also just read in a review about the Acer iconia pad that google won´t publish the code…so I´ll try Froyo – with you making possible to use all google apps it´ll be fine too, I think, thanks 😉 Just one other questions: what about the “hardware buttens” (home, back, options) on smartphones, how are they replaced?
hey peter,
you could use some replacement apps for the hardware buttons, so you got some onscreen buttons.
I suggest you Button Savior from the market or try this app which is customized by me:
Just as a reminder : there is much difference between original Android and Android-x86 as orgonal Android makes use of OpenGl while Android-x86 uses Mesa plateform !!!
So even IF/WHEN Google will release Honeycomb, there will be little chance it will run with Mesa. Gingerbread-x86 has no Mesa support and is much too slow on x86 devices to be usable.
So unless someone is able to port Mesa plateform to Gingerbread, then to Honeycomb, there is little chance it will work on the Acer 1825ptz or any other x86 devices.
Ich weiß ich bin ungeduldig, aber konntest Du es schon testen?
Ich hab es mittlerweile fast bis auf den Source zerpflückt aber warum es am Eee nicht geht hab ich noch nciht rausgefunden…
Komisch, in der VirtualBox schmiert es mit den GAPPS (EeePC-ISO) auch ab…
das war doch zu erwarten oder? Entspricht doch deiner benutzten Version oder? Vergleich doch mal mit dem iso vom Acer und schau was da vorinstalliert ist und was nicht.
Leider kommt auch bei der generic-Version der gleiche Fehler, deshalb kann ich mir so langsam nicht mehr erklären wieso das bei Dir funktio niert 😉
ich habe es gerade auch mal in der VM probiert mit der EEEpc-Version. Ich erhalte auch diesen Fehler. Merkwürdige Sache, mach dir den Spaß und probier es mit dem oben genannten Acer Build in der VM, da geht es. Musst du nur noch herausfinden, was der Unterschied ist?? Auch die ausschriebe von logcat sind für mich jetzt nicht wirklich hilfreich.
Sorry habe leider momentan nicht die Zeit, der Sache tiefer auf den Grund zu gehen. Vielleicht schreib mal arobase, ob er dir sagen kann, was in diesem Punkt der Unterschied zwischen dem Acer Build und dem Generic/EEEPC Build ist.
Würde ich – wenn da irgendwas von einem bestimmten build stehen würde, oderich bin blond 😉
hier noch mal der Build
Oben habe ich das auch ergänzt.
Nach einer Diskussion in der entsprechenden Google Group liegt es wohl daran das der Built halt für Touch geeignet ist, während der eeepc- und generic-built dies nicht sind – und die GAPSS bruachen Touchsupport.
ALso nächste topic: rumgooglen ob man das faken kann…
ja ich weiß, ich habe die Newsgroup abonniert und mitgelesen. Aber arobase hat das nur vermutet, möglicherweise liegt es auch an anderen Konfigurationparametern seines Builds. Möglicherweise muss man ja Touch einfach nur mitbauen bei den EEEPCs usw, weil ja der Acer1825 Build auch in Virtualbox funktioniert, da hat man ja schließlich auch ein Touch. Vielleicht muss also die Unterstützung nur mitkompiliert werden. Du solltest einfach mal die die Buildkonfigurationen vergleichen.
Got problems with gapps and eeepc version of droid-x86.
Might another gapps version work for us ?
Doing cp /mnt/sdcard/system /system -rf returned:
Cp: write error: No space left on device
Cp: can’t create directory ‘/system/system/etc/permissons’: No space left on device
My /system was not enabled “read/write” function, since It cannot be
HI trying to copy system to system:
“cannot create directory ‘system/system’: Read-only file system”
android is installed on 2GB sd card from “live-cd” on USB.
hoe to get access to system ???
You need to install android with read write permission for system. It could be choosen in the installation wizard.
See: http://www.ceh-photo.de/blog/?p=357
if i install on ext3 of ext2 or ntfs i get “error 17” during boot. On fat32 the install wizard do not propose “read/write”…
is there any way to get acces? or edit IMG file like a disk image?
Which androidx86 build do you use? It seems like you have other problems.
beta3 1825MT
from here
I am very puzzled, because I use the same image. If you did the install of android like I described in the other blog post and the installation of the google apps in the same way, everything should be the same. Ob my Acer1825 everything works fine. Dont know whats different in your environment?
the only difference that I install it on external 2GB SD card not on the internal partition. For me only fat32 with Grub installed works, but in this case I have no proposition of write acces for the system during the installation.
mmh maybe that is the problem, I don’t know if this makes any difference. I would suggest, try it first in a VM with Virtualbox and if it works, you should try it on real hdd partition.
I have installed according to your Post and it works.
I have removed the PQService partition and replaced it with an ext3 partition. Then installed from usb stick without re formating.
I had to change the grub boot settings to hd0.1
I also installed the Market gapps stuff and it works.
I booted into Ubuntu, mounted the ext3 partition and just copied (cp -rpf )the files to
When i started up the android again, the installation wizard came up and i could not close it, but there is a trick to close the wizard.
First, dont toch the green robot.
Touch the folowing sequence on your screen: Top left corner, top right, right bottom, left bootom. And the setup wizard should close.
Now i have two problems:
First i want to set the P-Button to home.
Second cant find and install Pulse, Adobe reader … other apps work.
Your suggestions would be most welcome 🙂
oh forgot to say that pressing the P button now crashes the the running os instantly and the pc reboots!
does anybody know how to install those apps?
It always tells me that my device is incompatible
Try this..
Pulse v3.0.1
Opera v12:
x86 Dev -http://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/android/mobile/labs/1200/Android_Opera_Mobile_12_x86_LABS.apk
Mob -http://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/android/mobile/1200/Android_Opera_Mobile_12_Opera.apk
Opera Mini v6.5:
Mini -http://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/android/mini/6.5/Opera_Mini_6_5_Android.apk
Long time, no speak – Just wondering if you’ve tried GNOME 3 on Ubuntu yet – It’s incredible! Touch friendly, faster than Unity, and a lot more stylish!
Just type GNOME3 into synaptic and install what you see!
Hey Tom,
sounds good, which Ubuntu Version do you currently use?
I am still on my well working 10.10.
Same here – afraid to upgrade to 11.04 incase the multitouch drivers don’t work (I’ve already tried it on a livedisk and it comes pre-installed with single touch drivers)
Just managed to complete this tutorial, but the applications aren’t showingup. Help?
I copied it using the sdcard method, and made sure that /system was rw
You should get a google wizard after rebooting. Didn’t you?
No. I installed setupwizard manually from the apk on the SDCard, but I can’t touch the android.
As in, when I touch it nothing happens.
Hi Cristopher,
Nothing to do with the actual subject, but I just wanted to give some informations about the GB-x86 2.3.5 bug.
Sounds like I got censored from the group and could send directly a post on there. So I post them here, so you could relay them on the group on my name. if uou accept this “mission”. lol 😉
Well, as you may have noticed Chih Wei just released a new useless build version, without controlling if the settings/flags were correctly set or not and if this build could be compiled… ^^
He then pretends that the culprite is the user/developers who didn’t understand what he was doing.
As you may also have noticed Mesa is still buggy while he said it’s NOT.
About Mesa, as I already said, not my problem anymore. At least I didn’t say a word about this, since he and Yi Sun just censored me, so I couldn’t respond anymore, or “attack” the other devs, or got quarrel with Al… 😉 LOL
We already know he doesn’t like and can’t bear criticism.
MORE, he never finish any projects, then start a new project that brings news problems, leaving the “old ones” Donut-x86, Eclair-x86, Froyo-x86 at a statement we could only use one third of these builds capabilities.
About Gingerbread-x86 2.3.5, sounds like he reused partly the ARM settings and the flags of Honeycomb !!! ^^
So if you want to be able to compile and build a GB 2.3.5 x86 iso, you have to remove the -stack_protector flag in /build/core/combo/TARGET_linux-x86.mk !!!!
Then enjoy.
Save this page before it be removed or censored again. ^^ 😉
Bad bad Arobase, littleMonter. ROTFL
I don’t think you will see this, but it’s worth a try.
Can I just download the zip from your website in Android directly, and reboot from there?
Hmm if you have some app for extracting the zip archive. Why not?
The stock zip in Android did not grasp the gapps zip, but it has a working tar. So I rearchived into a tar file, pushed that somewhere I could reach over the public internet and successfully untarred it straight into the vm.
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Bro The Link Say File Not Found :(( Please Help Me
Ok So I Got The Link But Which File Is For Asus Eeepc ???
And I Am Using Android 4
check this:
Version 9 corresponds to ICS (4.xxx)
Thank You Very Much For Replying And Helping Me .Ok So Now I Should Follow Your Instructions Right In Order To Get It Right ??
it said ./abd not found !!!
my file is in C/Destop/downloads ……please help me !!
Do you have installed the android sdk?The required tool is included there.
Included Where ?? And No I Dont Have Cause I Tried It Directly From Going Into Android And using alt f1 trick
sorry I do not understand what you are doing, it seems like you are mixing solution one and two. Please decide which one you want to use and follow the instructions
No,i am not mixing the solutions just asking that where do i get the sdk tools ?
The sdk tools are development tools for your computer running a normal OS, you can not use it inside android.
If you want to install the apps inside android you need to use solution 2. If you want to use the sdk solution, you can find the sdk here:
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[…] Install all Google Apps on Androidx86 with Market,Mail and … […]