This guide is writte for my Acer 1825 but it should work on all linux devices which need a onscreen keyboard like onboard.
I got the idea of building this script from Tom/drnessie from the (, because he tried to make a improvement of my onscreen keyboard show/hide script from this post.
He wants to place the onscreen keyboard on the bottom of the screen and shrink accordingly the active window .
He uses wmctrl but I used wmiface like in this post (please check that post to get information about installing/downloading wmiface), because I am already comfortable with it. Maybe you could reach the same effects with wmctrl….
First two screenshots which shows you what my script does:
First screenshot show my desktop before pressing the P-Button, second screenshot shows my desktop after pressing P-Button. After another press of the P-Button I will have again screenshot one conditions. This also works for portrait-mode.
You could replace the old P-Button script from this post( with my new script.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 | #!/bin/bash #author: Christopher-Eyk Hrabia - - #PURPOSE: #This script places an arbitrary onscreen keyboard application at the bottom of the desktop and put the current active window above the keyboard in pseudo maximization #if script is run again, onscreen keyboard will be killed and old window configuration will be restored #CONFIGURATION toppanelheight=36 #right click preferences to get height of panel bottompanelheight=36 DEBUG="" # write DEBUG="1" for debug output TEMPFILE=/tmp/OnScreenKeyboard.tmp ONSCREENKEYBOARDAPP=onboard ONSCREENKEYBOARDHEIGHTSHRINKOFFSET=50 ##################################################### #redirect stdin, stdout and stderr [ ! "${DEBUG}" ] && exec>/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null running=$(pgrep $ONSCREENKEYBOARDAPP | wc -l) if [ $running -gt 0 ] ;then #kill keyboard reset old status pkill $ONSCREENKEYBOARDAPP #read old configuration filecontent=$(cat $TEMPFILE) #check if we have old configuration if [ -n "$filecontent" ];then set `echo $filecontent` maximizedCur=$1 sizeXcur=$2 sizeYcur=$3 xCur=$4 yCur=$5 winCur=$6 #reset postion and size wmiface setFrameGeometry $winCur $xCur $yCur $sizeXcur $sizeYcur #if window was maximized bring it to former size case $maximizedCur in 0) wmiface maximize $winCur 0 0;; 1) wmiface maximize $winCur 1 0;; 2) wmiface maximize $winCur 0 1;; 3) wmiface maximize $winCur 1 1;; esac fi #remove old configuration rm $TEMPFILE else # show keyboard #################################################### #get resolution of desktop set `xrandr -q|sed -n 's/.*current[ ]\([0-9]*\) x \([0-9]*\),.*/\1 \2/p'` yreso=$2 echo Yreso $yreso ################################################### #get information about active window #get pointer of active window winCur=$(wmiface activeWindow) echo $winCur #get maximized status #0 for not maximized, #1 for maximized horizontally, #2 for maximized vertically or #3 for fully maximized. maximizedCur=$(wmiface windowMaximized $winCur) wmiface maximize $winCur 1 0 set `wmiface frameSize $winCur | tr 'x' ' '` sizeXcur=$1 sizeYcur=$2 echo SIZECUR $sizeXcur $sizeYcur set `wmiface framePosition $winCur | tr '+' ' '` xCur=$1 yCur=$2 echo PosCur $xCur $yCur #store setting of current window in tempfile echo $maximizedCur $sizeXcur $sizeYcur $xCur $yCur $winCur >$TEMPFILE yCur=0 ########################### #handle onscreen keyboard eval $ONSCREENKEYBOARDAPP & #wait for process start and get windowid window=$(wmiface findNormalWindows "" $ONSCREENKEYBOARDAPP "" "" 0 false) while [[ $window -eq "" ]] do window=$(wmiface findNormalWindows "" $ONSCREENKEYBOARDAPP "" "" 0 false) done echo WindowID $window wmiface maximize $window 1 0 set `wmiface frameSize $window | tr 'x' ' '` sizeX=$1 sizeY=$2 sizeY=$((sizeY-ONSCREENKEYBOARDHEIGHTSHRINKOFFSET)) echo SIZE $sizeX $sizeY set `wmiface framePosition $window | tr '+' ' '` x=$1 y=$2 echo Pos $x $y y=$(( yreso-sizeY )) ##################################### #place windows #KEYBOARD wmiface setFrameGeometry $window $x $y $sizeX $sizeY #set current window to wanted position sizeYcur=$(( yreso-sizeY-toppanelheight - bottompanelheight )) wmiface setFrameGeometry $winCur $xCur $yCur $sizeXcur $sizeYcur fi |
To get a well looking result you need to change the configuration at the top of the script. It is important that you set the correct height of your bottom and top panel of you desktop. You could get this information by right click on panel and choosing properties. more over you could define how many pixels are subtracted from the start height of your onscreen keyboard application (ONSCREENKEYBOARDHEIGHTSHRINKOFFSET). Moreover you could choose another onscreen keyboard application by replacing onboard in ONSCREENKEYBOARDAPP.
This script stores the current appearance settings of the current visible application and after the closing of the onscreen keyboard it recovers the old settings.
In general this script should work on all screens , linux desktops and distributions which are supported by wmiface (At least GNOME, KDE).
I hope somebody like that script! Give it a try!
Hi, Toffer,
It’s nice that you have the feeling to discover “new features” by yourself with Tom and drnessie, but ain’t you reinventing the wheel ?
I followed your different adventures, trials about this function, but sounds like this was already documented by Irohr on october 2nd 2010, even if it was binded to a specifique key…
😉 😀
Ohh I meant : “even if it was NOT binded to a specific key…”
I replyed in, because I was a bit confused. But in general my script does more than your mentioned script. It is complete dynamic, works for all resolutions,monitors,keyboard-apps… moreover it resizes your current application and also reverts it if you have finished typing. try it..
Have you try Florence? (
Easy to install for GNOME (I use it in Ubuntu 10.10) and has a nicer keyboard. When you touch over a textfield or textarea in any program, a small box appears inviting you to display the keyboard.
hey sadcruel,
no I do not know florence. I will try it, sounds nice.
hey sadcruel,
I tried Florence, but I have some difficulties:
How did you use Florence as applet or standalone app?
In applet mode I think its a bit strange to have such a huge panel?I do not understand, whats the advantage of this?
If I run florence as standalone app I does not autohide although this feature is activated.
Could you tell me more about your usage and configuration of florence?
I’ve installed Florence without options (that also means no stand alone applet). Then you can chooose to start it manually, at startup, or when you rotate the screen, etc. It’s only invoking the command in the moment / script you want. It will always add the applet in the gnome bar.
The result is that when a textarea or textfield has the focus, then the square icon (the keys) will apear next to it. If there are no textarea neither textfield (desktop, for example), the icon don’t appear.
And if you touch the icon the keyboard appear, and when you push outside it dissapear.
In any case, I will install soon the 11.04, with Unity, and I will try configurations again (I will tell you). I really think that Florence is much more nicer, and about the ugly big icon, I think it colud be easy to change looking the code a bit.
My Florence config (! means not marqued):
* Windows: !Decorated, Transparent(70%), Resizable, !Task bar, Always on top
* Behaviour: Auto hide, !move to near selected widget, intermediate icon.
Note that if you want keyboard to be transparent you need to use the compiz (the Ubuntu default is ok)