Android-x86 ICS 4.0.3 for Acer1000 series – Beta 2[a] (Acer 1825, 1820, 1810, 1425, 1420, 1410 and compatible Packard Bell (Butterfly Touch …)) [UPDATED]

By Christopher, April 6, 2012


I am very proud to present you beta 2 of my Android-x86 ICS build for the Acer1000 series. Special credits to everybody who helped with testing my prereleases.

If you are new to Android on your Acer laptop/convertible  I suggest you reading over my old postings and the user comments from ICS  beta 1 and honeycomb  releases, because honeycomb is quite similar to ICS in usability and functionality and especially my builds. You will get a better feeling about which things are working and which not and could get some other clues like how to prepare a bootable usb device, how the prepare for multi-boot and so on.

Changes to beta 1:
  • Support of Acer 1810 and 1410 – Special thanks to Sergey for his testing endurance!  Because of difficulties on detecting the missing accelerometer you will only have full speed after installation on disk (if flash or harddrive does not care). In live mode android is polling all time sensors library without success, this results in high CPU load and lower speed in general [UPDATE! PROBLEM SOLVED IN UPDATED BETA2a]
  • Support of Virtualbox including Ethernet –> same problem with sensors library like above [UPDATE! PROBLEM SOLVED IN UPDATED BETA2a]
  • Improved  compatibility with unknown devices –> extended hardware support. Because of that my target should also run on other devices from Acer and Packard Bell with different configurations like Atom processors, different wifi, ethernet … but you will also have problems with sensors library like above –> Let me know about your test results on different hardware from Acer/Packard Bell
  • Updated Google Apps –> Solves problems with Google Play
  • Replaced AOSP Apps Browser, Gallery, Calendar and Music2 by special Google versions, enables Google synchronization of these apps
  • Added/Created Russian(Cyrillic) hardware keyboard layout (if other layouts are required, let me know, I could guide you how you could create one)
  • Added Huawei libraries for support of UMTS sticks (requested by users) (not working out of the box, may need futher changes and I do not own such device)
  • Corrected axis orientation of accelerometer in laptop-mode, therefore you need to flip towards yourself and not away from you (like in the past) if you want to force normal orientation in laptop-mode
  • Improved Ethernet implementation, so you will get feedback about your Ethernet connection in the task bar –> Because of this change you will also see an Ethernet icon if you are connected by WIFI. This problem needs further work in future…
  • Added support for multi-touch on touchpad –> you could scroll with two fingers in horizontal and vertical direction (try horizontal scrolling on home screen for switching screens), also zooming with pinch gesture is working but quite difficult because the touchpad is quite small
  • Improved setting for hardware keyboard selection, you do not need to select the keyboard device before selecting the layout if you only have one device.
  • Improved battery update routine
  • May improved freezing problems, I am unsure, but I do not recognize these freezes anymore –> please report your experiences

I HAVE UPDATED THE BUILD TO VERSION “2A”. Now its also running fast up from first boot on devices without Accelerometer


My complete code and changes are now available on GitHub:

Known problems (and no idea how to solve them in the moment 😉 ):

  • Speech recognition in google search and other apps  is not working but Speech dial and Audio recording is working (I could only test with a external mic because my internal is broken, could anyone confirm this for the internal mic?) –> Google speech recognition could not work because it is based on native ARM libraries (like many games)…
  • Mic recordings are very noisy in general
  • Suspending often resumes several times until it will keep in sleep state
  • Location tracking with wifi is not working (may also a issue with dependencies to some native libraries)
  • Some youtube videos are working, some not
  • The P-button forces a reboot of the device and can’t be used for useful things.
  • Bluetooth is only working if already enabled during boot
  • Everybody who has problems with accelerometer/screen orientation on rotating the device please update your device to latest bios version and try again. If it is not working, check my instructions in comments from ics beta 1 and provide me necessary keycodes

Handy tips

  • On the first start you could use the “Setup Wizard”, but its not necessary, just select one option
  • The boot parameters have another minor change (added pcie_aspm=force for improved power management), if you want to integrate your installation to a existing grub2 with a custom entry see my example below (keep in mind you have to change the device and partition number)

For beta2:

menuentry "Android-x86 4.0 beta 2" {
set root=(hd0,4)
linux /android-2012-04-06/kernel quiet root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=aspire1000s acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode pcie_aspm=force SRC=/android-2012-04-06 DATA= DPI=160
initrd /android-2012-04-06/initrd.img

For beta2a:

menuentry "Android-x86 4.0 beta 2" {
set root=(hd0,4)
linux /android-2012-04-08/kernel quiet root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=aspire1000s acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode pcie_aspm=force SRC=/android-2012-04-08 DATA= DPI=160
initrd /android-2012-04-08/initrd.img


Let me know how my build is working for you and if you enjoy it. If you want to give constructive feedback please report first which exact device you are using (1810, 1820 …)



  1. Matthias Rastbichler says:

    Can not install it to Harddisk!
    He asked were to install, then all questions come, after the last one he step back to the menu were to install it again.

    Acer Aspire 1410

  2. volker says:

    Android-x86 ICS 4.0.3 for Acer1000 series – Beta 2:

    works fine as a virtual machine under VB with my dell e6500 as host: adb works, installation of apps and browser work as well.
    Boot process appears to be somewhat slow (as compared to other ICS builds).

    VM does NOT boot on my old dell D505 (I use the .ova exported from the e6500). Boots stops after “unknown laptop detected”. I should mention that the D505 has the famous Pentium M chip and does not support PAE/NX.

    Any comments highly appreciated!

    • Christopher says:

      Hi Volker,
      I think you are right with your assumption that the Pentium M is the reason for the problems with your D505. ICS do not support some old versions of Pentium M.

      The reason for the slow boot up is above mentioned problems with detecting the non existing sensor. After installation booting will speed up.

      • volker says:

        yes, meanwhile I realized that the VM has been speeding up considerably.

        What is the trick to get the most recent market?! When I add the gapps (cyanogen) to /system myself, I get the Gmarket, but it shows only a small number of apps.

        Concerning the D505, I was suprised because other x86 ICS builds do at least boot. But, so far, I have not found any build for which the GBrowser (or any other browser) works with the D505! Presently, only android-x86 versions up to 2.3 (inclusive) run on the old dell…

        What do you really mean by “ICS do not support some old versions of ICS”?

        • Christopher says:

          What you mean with trick and market? Is there something different with my build and other regarding available apps? In my build I mixed up the files from cyanogen with extracted files from offical Android-x86 builds…

          Mmh in case of your D505, I really don’t know why its running on other ICS versions and not on mine, the reason could be a different kernel config….

          Last point:
          I have corrected my typo above, but you already answered that you could use other ICS versions…


          • volker says:

            yes, your build is one of only two builds with the full market!

            As I said, I used the gapps from Cyanogen, did “adb push” to /system (in order to install the Gapps, including the Gmarket). Market is there, but contains only very few apps (if I remember correctly, I had the same problem with android version 2.3). I did not add other things to the gapps file, though, before adb push.

            But, I’m happy to get the full spectrum of apps now! Even though, not all of them can be properly installed; f.i. Tagesschau and Focus state that “no internet connection”. Other apps are useless because rotated by 90 degs.

            it appears NOT to be a kernel problem because I tried builds with 2.6 and 3.0 kernels!

            Other ICS builds boot, but still have the browser problem (no web pages loaded).
            Your build stops after the statement “unknown hardware” (get the same statement on the e6500 where the boot continues).

            The browser problem is also there when I use the Ninesky browser (which works well on the e6500).

            Somewhat of a mystery.

  3. Marc says:


    And thanks for all your work! I don’t have one of the devices you’re making the builds for, but nevertheless your built is by far the best for my system… With one exception: the touchpad. In the “nightly” builds, the touchpad on my industry computer works, while it does not with your build… Do you think there is anything you could do for me?

    • Christopher says:

      Hi Marc,
      nice to know that my build is working great on other devices. Could you please give me detailed information about your device and especially your touchpad?

      Here is the content of a short linux bash script which could generate useful information about your device. If you may have some linux skills, you could execute that script on your device and send me the results by mail.


      echo ‘####MANUFACTURER:####’
      manufacturer=`cat $DMIPATH/uevent`
      echo $manufacturer


      echo ‘####BOARD:####’
      board=`cat $DMIPATH/product_name`
      echo $board


      echo ‘####PCI:####’


      echo ‘####USB:####’


      echo ‘####INPUT:####’
      dmesg | grep input

  4. Christopher says:

    Hello everybody,
    I have updated my build to beta2a. This update solves the speed issue on first boot and live-mode for all devices without the accelerometer used by 1825/20 and 1425/20 like 1410,1810 and virtualbox. Moreover I updated the kernel for extended support of other hardware.


    • volker says:

      beta2a in virtualbox:
      works well in general.
      Faster on the first boot and in the live mode.

      some remarks for operation in virtualbox:

      on the e6500:
      comes up (sometimes, not reproducible) without internet. Could get the net by going to Settings, switching off the ethernet and restarting it afterwards. Did not have this problem with the previous version.

      Configuration of Email: some slight problems with the cursor operation. Difficult to characterize in detail.

      on the D505:
      still no boot possible. Booting still stops quietly after “unknown hardware detected”. Tried (unsuccessfully) to make some changes in the grub.


      • Christopher says:

        Hi Volker,
        mmh the internet problem is not a problem of the new version, I recognized this also one time with the previous version, I assume its a timing issue.

        In case of the D505, it is a quite old device, I would think its the kernel config, which is anyway different from the other builds (I do not mean the kernel version).


        • volker says:

          the boot problem on the dell D505:

          you’re certainly right as far as a direct installation of the android builds is concerned: problems can be expected on old hardware, I suppose. But, we talk about the installation of the builds as guest in VB! Indeed, the android-x86 build of boots well on the D505. Still, there is the problem that the Browser does not work; but otherwise fine.

          Thus, I suppose that the android builds are not yet perfectly adapted for use in VB. In my naive opinion -as long as I can install VB, version 4.1.12, on the D505- any .ova file (produced f.i. with the new dell e6500) should also run on the D505 (or I should at least get some complaints from VB).

          Indeed, this is the situation that I find with Linux (Ubuntu) and VB in general: no problem to run 12.04 beta as VM on the D505 (after replacing the standard kernel by its non-PAE version).

          Please correct me if my view is too naive.

          • Christopher says:

            Hi Volker,
            in general your view is corrected, but like you have already realized it depends on the kernel configuration. Because for example in terms of CPU virtualbox is not wrapping the cpu it is just mapping it (I think all/most virtual machine tools are doing this because its fast). You will also see this in windows, if you run windows in virtualbox you could see all cores and the exact name … If you try this on another machine with just a single core, you will see just a single core and a different name.

            So if my kernel config is not supporting your very old CPU (sorry) it will also affect virtualbox. If you want compare my config (see github) with the working version from tabletsx86 and find the difference I could may adapt my config if it does not have any disadavantages for my real targets.

            Moreover my virtualbox support is just a bonus featue, the main goal is supporting listed Acer/Packard Bell devices.

  5. Reiner says:

    Hi Christopher,

    you do a very good job!
    I installed Beta 2 (without “a”) an my 1825PTZ, wired Ethernet worked fine, but i cant activate Wlan. Could you give me some hints to find out why?


  6. Reiner says:

    Yes, now its work fine. Thanks

  7. Aaron says:


    I had used this one, ICS Beta 2a. Unfortunately I can’t use it as a daily driver just yet… no touchscreen drivers and no Wifi. I need to find out what drivers the HP Slate from is using, as everything works out of the box except accelerated graphics, sound, and suspend. Touch, multitouch, wifi, stylus, and bluetooth all work very well in their build. Also need to see how to get USB and SD Card automounting working.

    Your resources may prove useful in rolling the kernel back to something with GMA500 graphics support.

    Many thanks.

    • Christopher says:

      That you do not have touchscreen drivers and wifi is really expected because you are using a complete different device ! 😉

      You may could merge some of my configuration into the special build for your HP Slate.

  8. Igor says:

    Hi Christopher! You are a genius in this work!
    My story: I had the win 7, and ICS beta 1. I decided to install win 8, after the installation has ceased to run ICS = (( due to time constraints, decided not to re-install anything, just wait until your next release. So he went out, I am very pleased and very grateful to you!
    My question is: Do you think win 7, 8 and IСS beta2a, will work well together?

    • Christopher says:

      Hi Igor,
      how are win 7 and win 8 are selected during boot? Do they use the default windows boot manager? I assume they do, because it was the same with xp and vista and also with win7 and vista. I see no problem with running all these OS on one device, you only need a working groub configuration, don’t know if the android installation will detect the win8 bootloader.

      I use myself Ubuntu 10.10, Win 7 and a bunch of my different Android builds side by side on my device (One partition for Win-backup, Win7, Ubuntu and Android). The android builds are all on the same partition, what is no problem because they have different root folders.

      If you are afraid of having some problems you could test the complete procedure with virtualbox.

  9. Matthias R. says:

    Is there no Google Docs in this Version?

  10. mgth says:

    Installed dual boot on a 1425p , works well but with some bugs :
    – rotation sensing is reversed so the screnn is always upside down, so had to disable autorotation.
    – suspend never resume.
    – wifi does not start connected(don’t know if it’s a bug or feature)

    That’s for the most ennoying.

    Thanks for the good job

    • Christopher says:

      in term of screen rotation, do you have the latest bios version, like I have recommended? If yes which type has your hardware keyboard-layout? If it is different from QWERTY or QWERTZ could you please follow the instructions in comments section from beta 1, I described how you detect necessary scan code commands for tablet/laptop switch.

      Suspend resuming is working on my device (expect that I need to resume twice to get the touchscreen resuming), could you please go into detail what you are recognizing?

      The wifi problem is not available on my 1825,too. If the hardware-switch is enabled Android is connecting immediately after starting. Could you please check which wifi chipset is integrated in your device?

      • mgth says:

        yes I have latest bios,
        keyboard is azerty (France) but only works with soft keyboard, hardware keyboard stay qwerty even with French selected

        could not copy past you the result of script I will try that again tomorrow.

        suspend actually seams to resume, but I never get tactile on and I have to reboot.


        • Christopher says:

          Hi Mathieu,
          the new keyboard layout is only available after reboot and as long you are not installing to disk it will not be available!

          On refering on the latest post and it comments I mean following instruction from me (and not the script)

          Please follow these instructions:
          – Install latest available BIOS for your device from Acer
          – Prepare a usb stick with a Ubuntu live image (I have used version 11.04 x64) (You could do this easily with unetbootin which you may have already used for preparing a stick with android-x86)
          – boot up the usb stick with ubuntu live and open a terminal (on unity press the icon on left upper corner and type terminal)
          – now please switch to tablet mode
          – switch back to laptop mode
          – enter “dmesg” into terminal
          – now you should have two duplicated outputs about unknown key pressed and some information about how you could set this keycodes in ubuntu. But the imporant part are the mentioned keycodes. For me dmesg reports “code 0xb9″ and “code 0x81″.

  11. Jim P says:


    I am running latest ICS on Acer 1825 PTZ in UK with QWERTY keyboard. Potrait screen orientation is ok in laptop mode but opposite way around in tablet mode. In terminal ‘Laptop’ and ‘Tablet’ is recognised upon switching. Have you a fix for this yet or do you need any further info.

    Otherwise great job and all works really well.

    Cheers Jim

    • Christopher says:

      That sounds unbelievable for me, are you sure you get Tablet/Laptop mode outputs in logcat while you are switching the mode and not only once? Because if you got such outputs the orientation has already switched/inverted, so if there is may some possible difference with inverted scan codes on your device you should have in both modes the wrong portrait orientation.

      You should go to terminal with ALT+F1 and enter logcat. now you will get continuously logging output (if you disable wifi during this test you will get less outputs). Stay in terminal and go to tablet mode and lift up the screen from tablet mode, after around 45° you should get the log output. Try this several times. Every time you lift up or down the screen you should get some logging output about tablet/laptop mode changes.

      If you want to report results of this test you could make a video (may the easiest way, depends on your linux skills) or write logcat to a file (e.g. to sd-card)

      If you do not see mentioned outputs in logcat like I described it, please follow the instructions I mentioned above for Mathieu.

  12. Jim P says:


    I am definatly getting ‘Tablet’ and ‘Laptop’ mode in logcat for every switch. Since downloading an aftermarket autorotation control app it seems to be ok 90% of the time.

    It will work incorrectly every time if I am in portrait in Tablet mode and switch off and on autorotation. If I then put back in laptop mode and switch autortation off and on and then put in tablet mode it seems to behave better.

    Screen rotation works ok in windows 7 and 8CP so I don’t think a hardware issue.


  13. mgth says:

    here is what I got from dmesg

    [ 1084.814700] atkbd serio0: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0xb9 on isa0060/serio0).
    [ 1084.814707] atkbd serio0: Use 'setkeycodes e039 <keycode>' to make it known.
    [ 1084.821538] atkbd serio0: Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0xb9 on isa0060/serio0).
    [ 1084.821544] atkbd serio0: Use 'setkeycodes e039 <keycode>' to make it known.
    [ 1109.971139] atkbd serio0: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0x81 on isa0060/serio0).
    [ 1109.971146] atkbd serio0: Use 'setkeycodes e001 <keycode>' to make it known.
    [ 1109.978186] atkbd serio0: Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0x81 on isa0060/serio0).
    [ 1109.978192] atkbd serio0: Use 'setkeycodes e001 <keycode>' to make it known.
    • Christopher says:

      Much thanks for reporting the output, but unfortunately it is same as on my device scan-code 0x81 and 0xb9. SO it must be another problem. I must be honest, I have no idea at the moment. Is the portrait orientation inverted in laptop and tablet mode? Or only in one of both modes? If it is in both, may the sensor is assembled in inverted direction in 1425 devices? Do other user of 1425 have this problem?

      Remember default mode without mode switching after boot up is laptop. So if you are booting in tablet mode you need to switch the mode one time.

  14. Jackt says:

    My Acer 532h-D2r is currently running your latest version of ICS 2a whitout WiFi (cannot turn it on because the combination of buttons “FN”+”F2” won’t work in bios or android). Instead the ICS original version provided by Androidx86 site can do work wifi(unfortunately cannot save my data after reboot). What can i do?

  15. Jackt says:

    Thank you to answer me. How can I discover it? Never done in my whole life…

  16. Jackt says:

    under my netbook is written: “This device contains module Atheros AR5B95”

  17. Yaku says:

    great image, i got to experiment a bit further and wonder what the best approach is to get working apps or if it´s just an issue that i haven´t used a fixed install of this ICS build yet.

    for example i can´t get aldiko or skype running, while dolphin and some other apps worked, i wonder if this would be a subject more suitable for the x86 group or where to look for a list of apps that should work ?

    my problem with the accelerometer was of course fixed after the firmwareupdate as mentioned in the comments of an earlier post,

    so far really the best and very smooth android build i tried

    • Christopher says:

      Hi Yaku,
      thanks for your feedback and it also delights me that you could proof my suspicion that the wrong/old bios makes troubles with wrong orientation.

      So please all other users who have problems with orientation, double proof if you have the most up to date bios!!!!!!

      The problems with app support is a general Android-x86 problem and the reason is that some apps (many 3d games) use native libraries/code compiled for ARM, which could not work on a x86 device. As long as nobody will integrate an ARM emulator in Android-x86 you need to abandon these apps.

  18. Jackt says:

    I’ve noticed the email today because I was very busy last days so sorry for my late.Downloaded the build, installed into the netbook and…it works great! Wifi, app download from playstore, keeping data after reboot, audio, video… fantastic! so I would like to thank you for your kindness and keep up the good work! I’ll Let You know if I’ll find some problems during next days. Thanks again. Jackt

  19. Thomas says:

    Hi Christopher,

    Great job making this possible!
    I wanted to know if it’s possible to install the Android img on a USB stick, and then boot from it to run Android from USB.
    If possible how to make this happen?

    Tnx from Holland

  20. Thomas says:


    Got it running.! Time for testing, TNX alot

  21. Reece says:

    HI Chris,
    This build is definitely an improvement but I’m still facing un-recoverable lock-ups; the difference is I can use the OS for a good 20 – 30 minutes before this happens whereas in the past it would occur after 5 – 10 mins.

    On the plus side, boot time and general speed feels quicker. WIsh I could get to the bottom of the crashing issue though as I inevitably have to hold power slider button to turn off PC. It then may not boot up properly next time and can take a few attempts to boot correctly (and takes longer).

    Is there an app or something I can install to try and log what is causing the crash?

    All the best!

    • Christopher says:

      Hi Reece,
      thank you for your feedback. It is a quite strange issue with these freezes you are facing. I have not observed such behavior with my latest build, but may I have not used it long enough…?. How have you installed android? Did you use a clean directory/partition or did you try to upgrade/update with or from an old installation? Maybe that is the problem?

      For investigating this issue you could try to write the system logs to hdd/sdcard

      Type “logcat -f PATHTOFILE” in terminal (ALT+F1)
      e.g. PATHTOFILE = /mnt/MicroSD/freezelog.txt is writing to an inserted sdcard

      The logs should survive a system crash. Moreover did you try switching to terminal with ALT+F1 if the system is hanging up? During my development I was often facing some problems/bugs which hang up or crash the system but most times it was still possible to use the terminal and to check out what is the problem. If you are able to switch to terminal while facing a freeze you can just check “logcat” without writing to disk.

  22. Reece says:

    Yeah problem just occured again after about 40 minutes use. I exited into terminal (ALT+F1) and typed logcat, couldn’t see anything major though. I don’t really know what to look for!?

    Anyway, the logcat provided tuns and tuns of lines of information before the ‘Android-x86’ logo re-appeared and I was back on the home screen.

    Just a note for other users, to exit terminal, use ALT + F7

    • Christopher says:

      You do not need to go through everything logcat is printing, most times you only need to check the last pages. If you want to scroll inside logcat (Cursor and PageUp/Down). Just use “logcat | less”. But be aware you are starting at the begin.

      In general you could also start logcat ,switch back to GUI and continue working on the device. Because logcat is continously printing you could check every x minutes what it is printed out to get a feeling of what is important what not. After freezing occours you could check again.

      Moreover it is possible to filter logcat with grep, e.g. you could try “logcat | grep Err” after a freeze occured.

      It would be great if you could help me with the investigation of that issue.

      If you are using the device with Ethernet connection and without WIFI you will get less logcat outputs.

  23. msoon says:

    HI Chris,

    I also want to give you some late feedback of my installed system on acer 1825ptz.

    Problems with WLAN and my TP-Link TL-WR1043ND still existing I thought it was a bit better with ics Beta1 but also not stable. (Aber Problem liegt in erster Stelle an der Router Firmware)

    fourther in Beta2a the WLAN password was not saved.

    Sometimes rotating on the head while using as notebook and only lean a bit.

    Außerdem vielen Dank für die Huawei libs!

    Ich hab es nur leider (noch) nicht zum laufen bekommen.
    ein “lsusb” bringt:
    Bus 001 Device 004 12d1:14c3

    ProductID müsste ich auf 14c8 ändern.
    Ich nehme an irgendwo unter /sys/bus/usb… den Wert eintragen. Kannst du mir da helfen?

    • Christopher says:

      in case of your router, did you try other channels?I have read that Android has some issues with channels and region setting, so avoid channels which are not available in some countries like 12,13,14.
      For me the WIFI Password is saved properly, I never had any problems with that. A hint: do not use German umlauts like ÄÜÖ …

      Regarding your huawei stick. You should stop working on this for the moment, Chih Wei has integrated the libs for the next official Android-x86 build and I will step towards it after it will be released. But he has only checked it with a single stick, will see if it will work for you.

      However you could/should not change the ProductID of an USB-device, because it is read from the hardware device.

      • msoon says:

        In case of router I don’t think that the channel is the problem. Other android devices works fine with. But my Acer with android crashes the router after while and I couldn’t find something useful in router log. Maybe I try some other router firmware like freewrt but I heard there were also problems.

        Thanks for the info with huawei stick. But I also have to change the Product ID in Ubuntu to switch the stick to modem mode. I use usbmodeswitch for this.
        I think this should go without usbmodeswitch

        • Christopher says:

          hmm I really don’t know whats the problem with some routers and its nearly impossible for me to do some investigation on this problem because my rounter is working perfect with my Android build.

          In case of the huawei support, I am currently updating to current official repo state which includes huawei integration tested at least with one type of huawei stick. So you should wait for my next release.

  24. Jayneil says:


    I downloaded the source code from android-x86 and build my own android image for asus laptop. The problem is that I have don’t have an Ethernet option. I saw your Ethernet patch, but don’t know how to use it or apply it. Can you please tell me how to do this?

  25. mager says:

    Hello! I booted your beta on Samsung n 145. Many things work,except wifi. Is it possible to load a module for it. I have a build for tega where Wi-Fi works

    • Christopher says:

      Hi Mager,
      it should be no problem at all. But you need to tell which wifi-card is assembled into your device! If you have some linux skills it should be no problem to get that info from commandline, if you do not have such experiences, just take a look into the slot of your device. It is most time accessible from the base of your device by removing only one screw.

      Regards Christopher

  26. mager says:

    Of course, I do have some ( ha-ha) linux experience. I use puppy linux for 5 years and know some terminal things
    I think the module is ath3k, but i will look again. i tried to run modprobe, but it does not work( although, module is inside the android folder.
    Thank you a lot for your work. I hope wifi will work for me. Also may be you know any tips to boot a bit faster.

  27. Tiago says:


    First of all, I want to thank you for your work.
    The only problem I’m having is that my WLAN isn’t working. I have a Packard Bell EasyNote TK85 which has a Broadcom BCM943225HM WIFI adapter.


  28. Ollie says:

    Just tested this build out on my Acer Aspire One and it’s amazing! The best build of Android-x86 I’ve tried. Looks like acerhdf is included in this build too so the fan isn’t going constantly. It’s silent and best of all cool!

    Couple of problems though is that my WiFi isn’t turning on (ath5k is required). It was working last time I checked the ICS build for the Eeepc target over at the Android-x86 site (RC1).

    There seems to be no hardware acceleration anymore for my graphics chipset which I believe is apart of the Intel GMA 945 family. It was working int he recent Eeepc build from the Android-x86 like WiFi was.

    Any chance you can fix this in future releases? Then I’d finally have Android-x86 on my Netbook.

    I’d also just like to thank you for all your hard work so far trying to support even more computer models! Great work!!

  29. aziodale says:

    broken download link 🙁

  30. payman says:

    Works pretty good on my Acer 1825 thanks for this release. Looking forward to further updates to get more functions working. Unfortunately very few apps are compatible with this when I try and download from google play..

    Thanks again, out of all other ICS ports I used so far this is the best by far 😀

    • Christopher says:

      The incompatiblity of some apps due to the use of native (C\C++) libraries which are compiled for ARM but we have x86, so there is now way for me to improve that situation! You could contact the developers of these apps and ask for a x86 build, which should not be a problem, just a recompilation….

  31. Yannis says:

    First of all thanks. It is for sure great job and I thank you for the time you spend to port it and for sharing it.
    Pretty much it works ok, but I would like to know if there is way to improve the apps that are compatible. (ex. change the model that the pc is recognized etc…)

    Thank you..

  32. Christian says:

    first… thank you very much, it works pretty good. I installed it on my aspire 1825ptz..on an USB-Stick. I know its a Beta but i have found some thinks i miss.

    For examble the Flash Player is missing and can not be installed,
    YouTube works fines, aslong as you disable HQ

    Summarizing i have to say great work! I was so happy a i found your Android.

    Can i hope on a new version…are still working on it?

    Thank you…


    • Christopher says:

      Hi Christian,
      nice that you enjoy my build.

      The flash player will never work on android-x86. Adobe is not supporting flash on mobile devices anymore in general and the current build is not working because it uses native code compiled for ARM and not for x86 architecture.

      Why HD is not working on youtube is also quite hard to fix because the youtube app is closed source as well as all other google apps….

      But yes you can hope for a new version, but at the moment I am very busy with my Master’s thesis. But however a new release is nearly finished, but I don’t know when I will find some time for doing the final steps.
      New version will support more devices and hardware, will have included google docs, will be updated to ics 4.04 and will have locked screen rotation in laptop mode…I am currently working on updating to newer ICS version, everything else is already done.

      • Christian says:


        its good to hear this and Im sorry but i found an very annoying thing…when the screen is locked, because of use the power button or the screen lock after a few Minuts the tocuhscreen doesnt works. I have to reboot the system.

        • Christopher says:

          yes this behavior is known and also described in one of my release posts. A work around is to suspend the device again and after resuming again the touchscreen should work. It seems like the touchscreen is only working every second resume…

  33. arawn45 says:

    very good !!!
    i have 1825ptz, and install x86in dual boot
    no problem

    can it possible to downloadf a flah player?
    the webcam not work with all application


  34. Nucavast says:

    I`ve tried your Honeycomb release and it works very fine my Acer 1410-BR on its pourposes.

    Unfortunately the Icecream version cant run wifi. The icon of Wi-fi on settings appears, but shows only `Turning Wi-Fi on` when I click it and still so.
    I would also like to know how to add an ABNT keyboard layout if its possible.

    Thanks a lot to your initiative in this implementation.

  35. Nucavast says:

    P.S. The wireless adapter is an Atheros, instead intel 1000 as other versions.

    • Christopher says:

      Your required wifi driver is missing in current ics releases, but will be included in the next release which I will release this week.

      It is also possible to add an ABNT keyboard layout but I need an appropriate kcm file. If you are interested in providing me one I could send you the english, russian, german and french one for reference (or you could extract them from my build or access them on your android installation), so you can get a clue what you need to do for building an ABNT version. Its not very complicated but needs some time and my time is very limited in the moment.

  36. Mauricio Valladolid says:

    Hi im usin a Acer ASPIRE One Happy2 with the intel centrino Wireless N-100 adapter, Im looking for a version on ICS that will work with my wireless card.

    Just for reference some of this netbooks cam with android from acer with driver support for android so is it possible for you to port the drivers ?

    I would really apreciate your help and if you have a donation link for paypal let me know and thanks for your work…

    • Christopher says:

      Hi Mauricio,
      you have good chances that your laptop will work with upcoming release ( release is this week, the last thing I need to do it writting an explaning blog post)

      So after I have published the build, you should try it and let me know about your experience.

      But however donation is altime welcome because its a very time consuming task to do all this work. Donation link is above in the right column of the page!

  37. Christopher says:

    Hi everybody!
    Good news, beta 3 is released:

  38. Vern says:

    Thanks for your efforts. Latest beta running great on Acer Emachines Netbook.

  39. Jochem says:


    Thanks for all your efforts.
    I’m trying to make this work on an Acer Travelmate 400x, using the liveCD option.
    It succesfully recognizes the Travelmate 4000, but ‘hangs’ before I can see any android GUI. The capslock LED keeps flashing, but nothing happens.

    In debug mode, nothing happens when I enter exit. I can switch to other consoles, but exit does not do anything.

  40. Fida says:

    I am extremely thankful. You have done great job, you have given a new life to my acer notebook. Its hundred times faster than windows 7 starer and now my laptop never heats up. I am installing free apps as well as buying cheap android applications, still have 125 GB FREE on my android book.

What do you think?

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